
6 Types of Books For Your Baby’s First Years

As a parent, there are few things more rewarding than watching your baby grow and develop. For me, reading to my baby has become a cherished part of our daily routine. I started reading to him from week one, and it’s been a joy to see how much he loves it and how much we both benefit from it. In this article, I’ll share my personal experience of why reading to my baby has become such a vital part of our lifestyle. From the beginning, I could see that my baby was fascinated by books. He would gaze at the illustrations and listen intently to the stories. It quickly became clear that reading to him was a wonderful way to bond and build a relationship. But I didn’t want it to be just a pre-bedtime ritual, I wanted it to be a part of our lives, whenever we wanted to spend some quiet time together or needed a break from toys. Now, I read to my baby whenever I feel like it, whether that’s during playtime or when we need a change of pace. Reading to him has become an excuse for us to talk and have a conversation. Instead of repeating the same cuddly words, books give us new topics to discuss and new perspectives to explore. Click on the image to shop the book or click on the link below them High Contrast Infant books (0+ months) Tummy time book | Visual Cards | High contrast crinkle High contrast infant books feature bold black-and-white patterns, ideal for stimulating a newborn’s developing vision. We strategically placed High contrast cards over the diaper changing station. As we placed him on the table, those bright black and white images would immediately catch his attention and he’d stay still, gazing at the captivating images. It transformed diaper changes from potential struggles into peaceful moments of bonding. These simple cards became our secret weapon, making life with a newborn just a little bit smoother and more enjoyable. Besides, placing these books within their line of sight while they’re on their tummy encourages engagement and development in several ways like encouraging them to explore and touch, enhancing their sensory development. The crinkly pages for auditory development. And to practice eye moment or tracking skills . Interactive sound books (4+ months) Mimicking sound book | Musical rhymes book Interactive sound books, like the Peppa Pig sound book, have become a wonderful tool for our little one’s learning journey. Thanks to these books, he’s not only enjoying them but also discovering the world of sounds. The other day, when I asked him how he cries, he made a weeping sound and demonstrated it, showcasing his newfound understanding. Similarly, when prompted to mimic laughter, he responded with infectious giggles. These books have not only added a fun dimension to reading but also provided valuable opportunities for him to express and recognize emotions through sound. This other interactive sound book that sings rhymes as you turn its pages has become our go-to companion during travel and car rides. It’s not just a book; it’s an engaging adventure. As our little one flips through its thick pages, enjoying tunes and practicing motor control by pushing knobs and pressing buttons. It’s a fun and engaging adventure in a compact package. Puppet Books (5+ months) Hand Puppet book | Finger puppet book Puppet Books are all about creating bonds and joyful moments. With these interactive books, you can do more than just read; you can make sounds, share laughter, and enjoy giggles together. Slip the five farm animal puppets onto your fingers, and it’s time to sing along to the familiar tune of “Old MacDonald Had a Farm.” Alternatively, stick your finger into the popping reindeer puppet, move it around, and dive into the festive spirit with Christmas carols. Flap Book (10+ months) Flap book link Flap books are like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered by little hands. These interactive books feature flaps that can be lifted to reveal surprises underneath. These books are a captivating way to engage their curiosity and fine motor skills. As they eagerly lift each flap, they uncover playful surprises, whether it’s a hidden animal, a peekaboo character, or a secret message. These books not only make reading an adventure but also encourage interactive learning and imaginative exploration. Touch and Feel Books (6+ months) Touch and Feel | Animal Touch | Poke-a-dot There was a period when our little one would have restless night, and through Empiricism we discovered that was because of limited sensory stimulation during the day. That’s when we introduced these sensory books, and they made a significant difference. With pages featuring soft fabrics, bumpy surfaces, and shiny materials, our baby was fully engaged and interacting with the textures. To our delight, he developed a fondness for some of the animals and began making associations, like saying “boh boh” whenever he saw a dog or “tey tey” when he saw a picture of teddy bear. What’s even more endearing is that he recognizes his own teddy bear toy, and with the same “tey tey,” he showers it with hugs and kisses. Night time books (0+ months) Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 | Link 4 Bedtime books are magical companions for winding down the day. We introduced night time books while we were trying to inculcate a bed time routine – bath, pajamas, cuddles, story time. They’re the cornerstone of our bedtime routine, helping our little one transition from playtime to sleep. Although we haven’t perfected it, and miss reading to him a few days, I am sure this is a routine we’ll cherish for years to come.

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1 Year as a Mother: 12 Months and 12 Learnings

Becoming a mother is a life-altering journey filled with profound growth, joy, and challenges. As we celebrated my son’s first birthday, my heart swelled with overwhelming emotions, and I found myself reflecting on the transformative journey we had taken together. It was indeed special and emotional, the 12 months of invaluable learnings that shaped me along the way. Month 1: The Power of Patience Motherhood is a potpourri of emotions: excitement, fear, pain, joy, exhaustion, anxiety of the unknown, bewilderment, denial, love, and acceptance. Diaper changes felt like a never-ending saga but they served as a crash course in learning the art of patience, proving that even sleep-deprived me could find the Zen within.Every adversity is an opportunity for personal development. Month 2: Embracing Imperfection It’s ok if the house was messy.It’s ok if laundry was undone and dishes stayed a little longer.It’s ok if a fancy outing turned into a fashionable parade of baby spit-ups or if burp clothes become a new fashion accessory.The realization that perfection is an unattainable standard led to the embracing of imperfections as a mother. It allowed a focus on providing genuine love and care to my child. Month 3: The Importance of Self-Care Taking care of self became non-negotiable. In the whirlwind of new motherhood, learning that taking care of myself is not selfish but essential. It was an ultimate reminder that a happy mama means a happier baby! Month 4: Trusting Your Instincts Lost amidst a sea of advice, I discovered my inner baby. My quirky dance moves turned out to be the secret formula for soothing even the fussiest of times. I realized that my own instincts were the true choreographers of comfort. Month 5: Finding a Support System Crisis hotline? No, just me and fellow sleep-deprived moms sharing survival tactics over the phone at 3 AM. It takes a village, or at least a tired chat group. Realizing that you don’t have to do it alone can change the experience of motherhood and take the stress off. Month 6: Celebrating Milestones, Big and Small On the day my child took their first taste of solid food, it was like witnessing a Michelin-star chef’s masterpiece. My kitchen transformed into a culinary wonderland of messy delight and each mealtime turned into a joyful exploration of flavors, creating a palette of memories. Month 7: Flexibility and Adaptability In a plot twist that only a baby could orchestrate, our little one surprised us by both following a sleep routine and also suddenly becoming the world’s tiniest food critic, rejecting yesterday’s favorite puree as if it were a three-star restaurant’s offering.This month taught me that motherhood is a wild ride where adaptability is the golden ticket. Month 8: The Joy of Play In a hilariously dramatic showdown of who can stack the most blocks, I set out to create the tallest tower, only to have my baby expertly tumble it down, leaving us both in fits of laughter. It bought me the realization that playtime was more about laughter than winning. Month 9: Balancing Work and Motherhood Zoom meetings turned into a hilarious juggling act of muted mics and baby babble. My home office evolved into a creative fusion of work and a whimsical nursery rhyme, reminding me that being a working mom is a true marvel in its own way. Month 10: Cherishing the Present Time is a thief and fleeting in nature. As my to-do list multiplied, my baby’s fascination with simple things like silicone spatulas or empty water bottles reminded me that life’s most precious moments often hide in the ordinary. Month 11: Embracing Growth and Change As my little one’s separation anxiety started accelerating, they developed a sudden fondness for being my sidekick 24/7. I discovered a new level of multitasking: mastering the art of doing everything one-handed while nurturing an adorable “cling-on”. Month 12: Unconditional Love In the midst of cake-fueled chaos at the first birthday, my heart swelled with an emotion so profound that it could only be described as feeling like a thousand hugs at once. The culmination of the first year as a mother brought forth a profound understanding of unconditional love. Through all the ups and downs, the love for your child remains unwavering, illuminating the true essence of motherhood. As we celebrated his first birthday, I couldn’t help but marvel at the beautiful soul my baby was, with their innocence, curiosity, and capacity for love. And in those tender moments of celebration, I realized that this love was a two-way street. My baby’s eyes would light up at the sight of me, their tiny hands reaching out to touch my face, and I knew that this bond was equally cherished by my little one. Motherhood had changed me in ways I could never have anticipated. I realized that this journey was not just about nurturing and guiding my child but about my own growth and transformation as a mother. It had taught me to be patient, compassionate, and selfless. It had shown me the immense strength that resided within me, as I faced challenges head-on with a heart full of love. In these twelve months, I understood that being a mother meant embracing every moment, both the beautiful and the challenging, with open arms and an open heart. It meant loving my baby with all my being and knowing that this love was the foundation upon which our journey would continue to grow.

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Summer Sizzle: Rock this Adorable Jumpsuit with Style!

Summers can be unforgiving, but you don’t have to sacrifice comfort for fashion. Made from natural fibers this sleeveless jumpsuit gives you all the Boho vibes and keeps you feeling cool and airy even on the hottest days. Whether you’re strolling through the city or attending a casual brunch with friends, this jumpsuit is the ultimate wardrobe staple that effortlessly elevates your look. For a chic midday appearance, pair it with sandals and a charming bag. For a laid-back style, wear it with sneakers and a floppy hat for a farm visit. Remember, fashion is all about expressing yourself, so find the jumpsuit that resonates with your style and personality. SHOP THE BLOG Dress – Macys Espadrille Similar bags Note: This blog post is inspired by the jumpsuit trend and aims to provide fashion inspiration for readers. It does not promote any specific product or brand.

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One-derful World: A Heartfelt First Birthday Celebration

When our little one was around 9 months old, my husband and I started discussing on what we wanted to do for his 1st birthday. Rather than opting for a traditional party, we wanted to make this celebration all about our baby. We decided to skip the party and instead focus on creating magical moments that he would cherish in his own little world. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances that plan didn’t lead to fruition. We had to abandon our three months of preparation in favor of another impromptu, yet gratifying celebration. Join us as we take you on a heartwarming journey through the “One-derful World” of our baby’s first birthday, filled with love, togetherness, and cherished memories. Shifting the Focus Our goal was to create a celebration centered around our little bundle of joy. Understanding that babies don’t really comprehend the concept of birthdays or parties, we believed that the true essence of this day lay in witnessing his joy and happiness. A Double Celebration This day was not just about our baby’s birth; we wanted to celebrate the joy of becoming parents and the transformation this journey brought into our lives. A Month-Long Celebration To fully savor this beautiful phase, my husband and I had decided to take the entire month of July off work. Despite the fact that our vacation turned into a staycation, this decision allowed us to immerse ourselves in the joy of parenthood and devote quality time to our little one. The Ayush Hooman A few days before his first birthday, we performed the sacred Ayush Hooman at home, surrounded by our close-knit family. This meaningful ritual sought divine blessings for his longevity and wellbeing. With Vedic chants and offerings to the sacred fire, we embraced our cultural heritage and expressed our hopes for a blessed life for our precious child. Theme The theme we chose for the celebration was “One-derful World.” It represented the wonder and awe we experienced witnessing our baby’s growth, curiosity, and happiness in his unique world. Celebrating in Three Parts Our baby’s first birthday celebration unfolded in three parts – the pre-birthday, birthday, and post-birthday festivities a) Pre-Birthday Fun: On the day before his birthday, we treated our little one to a delightful brunch outing. His fascination with people, joyfully saying “hi” to everyone, made this outing adorable. Later in the evening, we visited an indoor children’s play area where he had the time of his life riding bikes, making friends, and playing with balls and swings. b) The Birthday Extravaganza: The big day arrived, and we kicked off the morning with balloons, much to his delight. Capturing his genuine happiness, we had a memorable cake smash photoshoot. We decided to bake a giant banana cupcake with yoghurt frosting (recipe to follow), ensuring it was healthy and free from excessive sugars. In the evening, we visited a temple to seek blessings for our little one’s prosperous journey ahead. c) Post-Birthday Serenity: The day after his birthday, we headed to the beach – a place that exudes serenity and beauty. Watching our baby explore the sand and splash in the gentle waves brought us pure joy and contentment. The Cake Of course, no birthday is complete without blowing the candle and cutting a cake. Since the cake from the morning was almost intact and he didn’t really “smash” it, we made an impromptu decision and used the same cake and celebrated with our near and dear ones. Our baby’s first birthday was a heartfelt celebration of love, family, and the magic of childhood. By centering the event around him and embracing a “One-derful World” theme, we created cherished memories that will last a lifetime. As parents, we learned that the true essence of parenthood lies in being present, savoring each moment, and celebrating the joy our little one brings into our lives. This journey of love and growth has just begun, and we eagerly await the adventures that lie ahead in our baby’s “One-derful World.” Shop the post and more Custom cake topper Giant cupcake mold Confetti balloon Ballon pump Birthday banner Number gold foil Foam ball pit Play balls Balance bike (gift) Cake smash suspenders “World” Birthday cap Month milestone banner Balloon arch strip Kip V’s photoshoot outfit – Little Muffet My Green floral top – Express

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Traveling to a Caribbean Paradise with an Infant

Traveling to new and exotic destinations is always an adventure, but it becomes even more special when you get to share it with your little ones. As a first-time mom, I was nervous about taking my infant on a vacation to the Caribbean paradise. But with careful planning and preparation, we had an incredible experience filled with sun, sand, and sea. In this blog post, I’ll share our journey and some essential tips on how to travel with an infant, from what to pack to what to expect. Join me as we embark on an unforgettable adventure with our little one! Before I begin, I want to clarify that this is not a sponsored post. The opinions expressed here are my own, based on personal experience and travel journal. Caribbean Island – Turks and CaicosAirlines – UnitedStay – Beaches resortDuration – 5 nights Uber/ Airport transfer If you’re planning a vacation, one of the most important things to consider is how you’ll get to and from the airport. Although we could have asked our friends to give us a ride, due to the odd hours and days, we decided to take an Uber. It was our first time taking an Uber with our little one, and we had some concerns about how it would go. Our flight was at 9:30 AM, and we knew we had to be at the airport early to check-in, get through security, and make it to our gate on time and squeeze in a diaper change before boarding since it much easier to do it in the airport restrooms than within the flight. We didn’t want to risk not being able to find a ride, or wait for a long time to find our ride. So we scheduled our Uber ride the previous night. We wanted to make sure we had a reliable and stress-free ride to the airport. One thing we were worried about was how we were going to transport our car seat. Our car seat did not require a base to be installed, so opted not to bring it and instead secured it with the car seat belt. Our resort package included airport transfer at Turks and Caicos. Our return flight was at 2.30pm and coincided with his nap time. We hoped that he would sleep well in the flight. PARENT-TIP: 1. Prior to your flight, learn how to secure infant car seat with a car seat belt without base (if applicable). Uber drivers may or may not know it, and this will save a lot of hassle at the nth minute.2. Parents with children are given an opportunity to pre-board. However this means that you’ll have to spend longer time within the aircraft as other passengers board. This can be daunting when you have a toddler who can get restless. In such cases, it is a good idea for others to board while at least one adult stays out with the child and board when it is time or the child is tired. Airport To ensure a smooth travel experience, we made sure to allocate sufficient time for the airport, particularly for security, as we were carrying frozen and liquid breastmilk. Due to the nature of our international flight, United Airlines required us to complete our check-in at the airport instead of doing it at home. However, we were not able to use the self-check-in KIOSK since we were traveling with a lap child, which meant that we had to be checked in by an agent, causing some delay before we could proceed to security. PARENT-TIP: Pick seats next to the window as it may give you additional privacy in case you need to fed your little one during the flight. More on this later Baggage United allowed us to carry one check-in, a carry-on and a personal item each. In addition to this, we were allowed to carry a Diaper bag for the baby. PARENT-TIP:While traveling with a baby, packing early and weighing your bags at home is imperative. However, there may be items that needs to packed at the last minute. These may include breast pump and parts, milk bottles, pacifiers, and of course, breastmilk, if you are bringing it along. To avoid being overwhelmed or worse, forgetting items, it’s best to plan ahead and create a list of “Last Minute Items.” Because with a baby, prediction game is very hard. Also, it is important to pack your bags thoughtfully. For example, if you plan to bring battery-operated toys in your checked luggage, remember to separate the batteries and pack them in your carry on ahead of time. We decided to carry light for the flight with a diaper bag, a carry-on suitcase and a tote bag since we also had a stroller and a breastmilk bag to maneuver through the airport. Our tote bag included a mini diaper pouch, a blanket, a few toys, empty bottle, snacks for Vedanth and Us, burp cloth. PARENT-TIP:You can get a tote bag that can double as a fashion-accessory-beach-bag or vice versa. Security with Breastmilk and baby food We were well aware that carrying frozen and liquid breastmilk through security would take up a significant amount of our time at the airport. Therefore, prior to our travel, I conducted extensive research to ensure that we were well prepared. As a breastfeeding mother who was also pumping, I knew that carrying an adequate amount of milk was crucial for the trip. Even though I was still breastfeeding and pumping, I wasn’t producing enough for five days, hence, I had to bring along my frozen stashes. In total, we carried around 50 oz of both frozen and liquid breastmilk, and to keep it well-preserved, we had to pack it with plenty of ice and gel packs in a Yeti cooler bag. Carrying more milk than we needed was a smart move as it’s better to be safe than sorry. Read on for more details on the process of carrying breastmilk through security. PARENT-TIP

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Coping with Postpartum Depression: Strategies for New Moms

“Do you experience feeling sad or down lately?” – was a familiar question at any doctor’s office for the first few weeks after birth. However, at 2 months postpartum (pp), when I was asked this question at my pediatrician’s office, it didn’t feel like rhetoric. I wanted to say YES. I was apprehensive, and reluctant, withdrew, and said NO. Postpartum depression is real. I had a slightly traumatic birth experience, and recovery was hard. I had an epidural administered twice, pushed for 6 hours, however, the epidural was discontinued during birth – lightly put, this was just the beginning. I am not going to go into the gloomy details of it, nor do I want to want to relive it, because, at the end of it, I had a beautiful baby boy. The reason for PPD is never fully understood. Some say it could be hormones, some say it could be a past trauma, and some completely dismiss it. Nonetheless, I am not trying to make a case for or speculate if PPD is real, and neither am I going to describe the gory details of my labor. Instead, I want to focus on how to empower oneself if faced with this situation. Like how every pregnancy is unique or every child is unique, so is every woman’s postpartum and recovery. Each woman’s experience is different, her healing and her recovery strategy. Instead of this post being a singular experience, I reached out to a few moms to share their experiences. The question asked was “Did you experience postpartum depression? If yes, how did you overcome it?”. I am not an expert in this field, but hey! Here are my 2 cents to support any new mom. Educate yourself In combating PPD educating oneself on the difference between baby blue and depression is critical. During pregnancy, I discussed with my husband the possible sadness and mood swings that I might experience during postpartum and how he can support me. I asked him to avoid dismissive language like “Calm down” or “try to relax” when I was already agitated. This preparation can lead to a more supportive and aware environment. I had the slightest form of PPD. However I was able to overcome it quickly. After the baby is born, hormones can be all over the place for new moms. I found myself constantly crying for no reason. I was aware of PPD and signs and symptoms. I had a discussion with my family members and told them how I was feeling. My grandmother who can be staying with me during that time took a great effort to make sure I was feeling ok. She supported me all ways – breastfeeding, taking care of the baby, cooking yummy and healthy food. She insisted that I pump and bottle feed so that I can get some rest. For me, the feeling of prioritizing new mom along with the baby helped me get over it quickly. This couldn’t have been possible without supportive family members.– New Mom 1 Take care of yourself As a new mother, it’s essential to prioritize self-care during the postpartum period. The stress of caring for a newborn can quickly take a toll on your mental and physical health. But it’s crucial to remember that taking care of yourself is not selfish, it’s necessary. It’s a way to refill your cup, so you can be the best version of yourself for your baby. Whether it’s a simple cup of coffee, a trip to the nail salon, or a night out with friends, these small moments of self-care can have a big impact on your overall well-being. I made an effort to schedule in some “ME time,” even if it meant coordinating with family or friends to help with the baby. Remember, you’re not just a mom, you’re also a person with your own needs and desires. Your family and loved ones want you to be happy and healthy, so don’t be afraid to reach out for support. Taking care of yourself will ultimately benefit everyone around you. I started going out for day trips and vacations to overcome it. – New Mom 2 Lean on your village The pressure of caring for a newborn, coupled with physical limitations during postpartum, can take a heavy toll on a mother’s mental health. I found myself in this situation, as I wanted to help my mother who was tirelessly doing all the work, but I was struggling with my own limitations and physical changes. The self-inflicted pressure to keep up with my pre-baby pace added to my stress and eventually led to postpartum depression. However, I soon realized that I was healing, and my body was not letting me down, but rather it was trying to recover from childbirth. This is when my baby sister stepped in to help. Her presence was a true blessing and an all-hands-on-deck situation. The added support was nothing short of a miracle and showcased the importance of having family by your side during this challenging time. At 2 months, my father even flew from India because I wanted him by my side. This emotional support helped me so much during this difficult time. If you’re going through postpartum depression, don’t hesitate to reach out to your family for help and support. They can be an invaluable source of comfort and strength during this time, and having them by your side can make all the difference in your journey towards recovery. I was never shamed by my family for not being able to breastfeed. My husband was a constant support.– New Mom 3 Seek help The cry of a 2-week-old baby, echoing through the night for hours on end, is a distress that no new parent should have to bear. For many months, my family and I struggled with the unrelenting colic of our own baby. We sought answers from our pediatrician, tried countless remedies, and were determined to ease our little one’s discomfort. Despite our

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Baby Items That Are Worth The Money

The first time I went to Buy Buy Baby was when I was around 15 weeks pregnant. I distinctly remember walking through the aisles beginning with diaper bags, maternity, bottles, pumps and feeding essentials, solids and related items, an entire aisle for baby monitors. Bathing and diapering came next, followed by personal care and so on. Across the store, I spotted a few gliders and rocking chairs.I raced through the store, crossing aisles of toys, cribs, clothing, bedding accessories and what not, only to go and to sit on the them. And took a deep breath! This was only half the store and I hadn’t even checked out the world of car seats, strollers, play pens, swings to name a few. The following couple of days, my husband was curiously busy with his laptop. When I finally asked him what he was up-to, he revealed an excel sheet that he had meticulously complied while keeping it modest – The Baby List. It was categorized into various sections, Nursery, Diaper, Wardrobe, Postpartum etc, and the average price of each item in each category was listed next to it. ( read it as – how much we desire to spend). What was more impressive was the empty column next to it with the heading “Actuals”, to track the actual amount we spent. That moment, I couldn’t have been more sure that I married the right person. It is very easy to get overwhelmed by the abundant choices when buying baby items, also very easy to go overboard and buy every item available or over spend and not to forget, the anxiety of first-time parenting. Right from the beginning our choice has been to try to keep it minimal. I tried my best to be as objective as possible. Off the things we bought, I’ve made a compilation of what we loved, why, and what failed miserably. Also links to most of the products are below. Note: If you are viewing this on your Desktop, please turn off Ad-Blocker to view Amazon Links below. 1. Glider I have been using this since my Third trimester and continue to use it now. While buying a glider for the nursery, you may want to consider a power glider or something that won’t wake your baby up with sudden jarring motions or the loud sound of the glider. Rocking motions in the chair before birth can help comfort your infant after birth. 2. Bassinet/ Crib Co-sleeping makes me quite nervous. A few weeks after V was born, we got a bassinet and we shared the room. Now at 5 months, he sleeps in his crib in the nursery. If co-sleeping works for you, this may not be necessary. We did not buy a playpen, lounger, rocker, or swing. Since we setup the nursery upstairs, for daytime sleeping (which helped him distinguish between day and night) and a change of environment (for my sanity), bassinets were of great help as they were mobile. 3. Bouncer My infant adores this Baby Bjorn Bouncer. He has reflux, so when he was a newborn, he needed to be held upright after feedings. This made it much easier to stay in that reclined position. He now sits in his bouncer with his toys and keeps us company while we have lunch or dinner. The key to acclimating him to the bouncer is by making him sit in it everyday or frequently and help him understand that it is one of the safe spaces for him to be in. 4. Dresser/Changing table I would strongly advise a dresser over a changing table. This way, it doubles as a great place to store your baby’s clothes. Practically speaking, you might not be able to go to the wardrobe and get some clothing if your kid is being changed on the table. You’ll want something your hands can grab while keeping the baby safe.For the lower level, we used a diaper caddy 5. Baby Monitor This can be a good buy even if you intend to co-sleep. When the baby takes one of their zillion naps, you can catch up on that TV show, read a book, or finish your work. Although we had it since he was born, he began using it extensively when he moved to his crib. 6. Sound Machine YES! Nowadays, I find it hard to sleep without white noise. 7. Clothing Let’s address the elephant in the room. I will create a detailed post on this, for now, this should help. 8. Shoes While they are adorable, instead buy fuzzy fleece booties/ socks instead of shoes to keep your baby’s feet warm and dry. 9. Swaddles 10. Toys 11. Bath 12. Nursing/ Feeding I recently came across a portable bottle warmer, which I feel could be a lot more useful for long-distance travel, and even to a mall or a park. We recently started V on solids, and I’ll cover all the details in another blog post. For the time being, all of the nursing necessities are covered in my Breastfeeding blog post. Pro-tips 1. Hat – if they give you one at the hospital, keep it safe. It was so hard to find something that small to fit him. (I ended up making one)2. Mittens/ socks – These are notorious for getting lost. So while washing put them in laundry bags so they all stay in one place. 3. Burp cloth – never too many of them. 4. Have hand sanitizer at you changing station for those times when you can’t immediately go and wash your hands after a diaper change.5. Secondly, Diaper cream applicator. It is mess free. 6. First-aid and personal care items like thermometer, infant tylenol, saline spray, snot remover (not the bulb, too big for baby nostrils), nail trimmer are a must.

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December 2022 Here are some tips and ideas to make your holiday gift-giving more sustainable and environmentally friendly. 1. Recycled or repurposed gift wraps: Look for gift wraps that have been made from recycled materials or that have been repurposed from something else. Or, these are beautiful fabric gift bags.  2. Reusable shopping bags – These are practical and eco-friendly gifts that can help reduce the use of single-use plastic bags or other materials that will end up in trash. 3. Kitchen products: Consider gifts that can be enjoyed over a long time, rather than products that will be quickly discarded. Silicone kitchen products such as baking mats (these are fantastic for rolling chapati as well), food storage bags,  wood acai bowls, Ceramic non-toxic cookware, Zero waste kit.   4. Reusable water bottles: Give gifts that encourage sustainable living. A reusable water bottle can help reduce the amount of plastic waste from disposable water bottles. These types of gifts can help your loved ones reduce their environmental impact.  5. Mulberry silk pillowcase: Look for clothing made from organic or natural fibers like cotton, and silk.  6. Natural skincare products: These can be made from all-natural ingredients and packaged in reusable or biodegradable containers. I love Honest skin care products. You can find more toxic and chemical-free brands here. 7. Houseplants: Not only do houseplants add some greenery to a space, but they also help purify the air and reduce stress. Smart gardens are great gift options, they occupy less space and require minimal maintenance. Also aesthetically pleasing. Linking a great option below.  8. Handmade items: Many artisans and small businesses create unique and eco-friendly products using sustainable materials and techniques. Linking a few options below.  9. Subscription to a local CSA (community-supported agriculture) or farmer’s market: This gift supports local agriculture and helps reduce the carbon emissions from transportation. Or instead of a physical gift, you could consider making a donation to a charity or environmental organization in someone’s name. This can be an impactful gift, and help support important cause. 10. Solar-powered phone charger: A solar-powered phone charger is a great gift for someone who is always on the go and wants to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels


My Breastfeeding journey

** Disclaimer – Not seeking or giving medical advice. This blog is about my personal journey and learnings along the way. If this could be a triggering subject for you, please discontinue reading. Moments after my baby was born, he was put on my chest for skin-to-skin, and a few Lactation consultants (LC) walked into the labor room to assist us with the first breastfeeding session as per my birth plan. I was nervous! As my due date was nearing, I remember there was a severe formula shortage in the US. I was concerned about whether I would start producing milk or whether my baby would have oral ties. But I was relieved when I saw little drops of yellow colostrum. Next, when the LC said, “the baby has good suction,” I was ecstatic. But my joy and ecstasy lasted less than 48hrs. Ever since I have had a constant love-hate relationship with breastfeeding. While it has been the most magical experience, it has also been the most excruciating. There were days when it filled me with nothing but delight and days when I would want to scream into a pillow. I’m not referring to the initial experience and the questions that arise as a result, such as, Am I doing this right? Is that how it’s intended to look? Should it feel this way, or not? Am I holding correctly? Neither am I referring to cluster feeding. Sleepless nights are challenging, particularly after the body has experienced the stress of childbirth. In fact, I genuinely loved nursing my child. This seemed to be the easy part, the most pleasurable and happy part. I enjoyed the bond! Postpartum recovery and latching problems, were severe, both to the mind and body. I had no supply issues thanks to mommy dearest’s fantastic postpartum diet, which she had rigorously conjured with love. Starting on day 3 of birth, my baby would cry his lungs out when I tried to nurse him. A Nipple shield seemed to help a little amount, but the latching problem we were having persisted. I tried different feeding positions, and pillows, to pump before latching in case of a strong letdown, all in vain. We couldn’t fully understand the cause of his distress and were quickly running out of ideas. As parents, we always want to do what is best for our children. And this entails putting aside your own preferences in favor of what is best for the child. I wanted to exclusively breastfeed, but as a result of the issue we had, my baby started to lose weight beyond the allowable mark. After several frivolous attempts at breastfeeding, I changed my mindset to focus on alternate ways to keep him fed. So I resorted to the next best option: to pump and bottle feed the expressed milk. Fortunately, we had purchased baby bottles, sterilizers, Bottle cleaner, and Bottle soap in advance and had begun using them. (I used the Spectra pump as recommended by my Ob-GYN) Once we started on this route, there were multiple problems and obstacles one after the other A Mini fridge – climbing down the stairs every 2 hours to bring the stored milk was getting hard. This felt like God-sent. Note: This is applicable if the nursery is set up on the upper level. Bottle warmer – hot water was certainly available when we open the tap, but this meant a lot of water being wasted, and it took a lot of time – 5 mins felt like 5 years with a crying baby. I followed a meticulous pumping schedule, at least 4 and up to 7 depending on how many times my baby would successfully latch. At around 3 months, my supply regulated and I took some supplements to keep it up – A lactation bar, oatmeal snack bites, and lactation tea. The freezer stash I had created came to my rescue. Besides, coconut water helped with hydration and rebalancing of electrolytes. Increased calorie and fat intakes, like a handful of nuts and a tsp of ghee a day. Cashews were especially helpful. By this time, I felt ready and also started my postpartum fitness journey. We did not give up on breastfeeding, though. We took breaks, sometimes for a few minutes and sometimes for a couple of days. Gradually, things became much better, and he was willing to take either form. At around 4 months, just when I thought that we were getting comfortable with breastfeeding, hits teething! Ouch! Pro tips:

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Go Monochrome This Holiday Season!

Yet another Holiday season! It is the time when families gather, and spend time with one another. Everyone seems to slow down and enjoy themselves a little more. Given that this is my newborn’s first Christmas, this year is particularly memorable for me. While I am getting ready to celebrate this joyous season with my family and friends, I decided to spruce up my style and reuse what was available from my wardrobe for some fresh Holiday looks. Leather skirt—a cornerstone of mod-chic fashion. I wore it with a cropped blouse when I went to Lisbon for a night out, as you can see. Alternatively, wear it with a turtle-neck T-shirt for a classic look. Both of these can be terrific options if you’re looking for summer-appropriate attire! Tip: Add texture to your monochrome ensemble. Faux fur, leather, and lace are all excellent choices. Without flannel attire, Christmas isn’t Christmas. This lovely skirt from JCrew is incredibly adaptable and makes for simple office attire when layered over a powder blue shirt or blouse. Plus this Off-the-shoulder sweater! Oh! So current. Tip: Don’t be afraid to show off those gorgeous shoulder blades or don a sweater with a striking neckline. I went to Toledo, Spain, wearing yet another wonderful flannel skirt. It’s fantastic both during the day and at night! Or when worn with wide-leg pants like these, since a red ensemble and a sweater go hand in hand with the holiday season. Tip: Yes, you may wear accent colors with a monochromatic outfit. A black jumpsuit is always a good choice. I purchased it from Stitch Fix. I teamed it with a white leather jacket for a sophisticated look because it is made of an extremely comfortable, breathable fabric. Tip: Your shirts and pants are already coordinated while wearing a jumpsuit. For an extra dose of panache, throw in a stylish handbag or cap. I also wanted to attempt wearing yellow as a monochromatic outfit. It is a striking and lovely appearance. I used to have this Loft skirt in my closet a few years ago, and this JCrew sweater, when layered over a pair of mom jeans, can be stunning for a chic weekend look. Tip: Use light and dark tones from the same color palette for a perfect monochrome. BONUS: For all you Mamas-to-be, I’ve got you covered! I wore this dress for my friend’s baby shower (I was 2 months postpartum when the pic was taken), which I also think could be a good choice for a holiday party. From Amazon, it’s a stunning Matcha green dress, and I’ve received plenty of compliments on it. A great maternity dress with plenty of room for that baby bump.

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